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The Minimalist Inside Bathroom with Line Pattern
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10 Questions to Ask Your Architect
- What does the architect see as important issues or considerations in your project? What are the challenges of the project?
- How will the architect establish priorities and make decisions?
- How busy is the architect?
- What sets this architect apart from the rest?
- How does the architect establish fees? When will fee payments be expected?
- What are the steps in the design process?
- How does the architect organize the process?
- What does the architect expect you to provide?
- If the scope of the project changes later in the project, will there be additional fees? How will these fees be justified?
- What services does the architect provide during construction
Bonin Architects & Associates offers full architectural design services, limited drafting services based on your project needs, and optional project management services. Our architectural design services and fees are listed in detail on our website. Give us a call or send an email to tell us about your project and let's discuss how we can work together!
Questions courtesy Boston Society of Architects / AIA
Bring Japanese Interior Atmosphere to our House
This is a special bathtub design with Japanese traditional bathtub style, made of steel, this is an unique but special bathroom in Japanese interior.
Are you Living Sustainably?

Consumer Consequences asks a series of questions about your lifestyle, and as you play, it will show you how many "Earths" of natural resources it would take to sustain all 6.6 billion humans… if everyone lived like you.
The impact of your lifestyle is calculated based on the "ecological footprint" model created by American Public Media’s research partner, Redefining Progress.
Consumer Consequences lets you compare your lifestyle with other players and gives you a chance to modify your choices and reduce your footprint.
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Arco Lamp on Elegant Minimalist Interior Design Ideas
Do you have any problem with ceiling height, Yeah... this Arco lamp is very suitable for your problem, Just place it on the corner of the room, It's suitable too for any elegant minimalist interior design ideas, see these picture, a gallery of minimalistic interior with Arco Lamp. --carriecan--
Italian Apartment Interior Design of Jean-Louis Deniot
Beautiful Wooden Ceiling Design
Best Bathroom Design with Feng Shui
- The entry to the home is where career and opportunities come into the home. If the bathroom is located directly in front of the entry, your opportunities could flow out immediately. You can help prevent a loss of opportunity by always closing the bathroom door and toilet lid (when not in use) to prevent the unnecessary escape of chi.
- Lots of lighting, good ventilation and cleanliness are essential to a proper Feng Shui bathroom. As with other rooms, a lot of mirrors are important to reflect chi and keep it moving around the room and throughout the house.
- To help resolve the situation of the toilet being located in the center of the house (the prosperity part), place a full-length mirror on the bathroom/toilet closet door. The mirror will help deflect chi and also create an illusion of the bathroom/toilet not being there.
- Good color schemes for a properly located bathroom are light grays, cream colors and pale blues. If your bathroom is located in the center of the house, paint it red. -rol.vn--
Small Wind Energy Project Opportunities

With utility-scale wind project developers cash-strapped and unable to obtain financing for large wind farms, small wind power project developers see a window of opportunity. by Sarah Lozanova, Contributor Wisconsin, United States [RenewableEnergyWorld.com]
Very few large-scale wind projects are able to obtain financing under the current economic climate. But falling turbine, steel and labor prices have created the perfect environment for mid-scale wind energy projects to thrive. Although total new installed capacity in 2009 may not rival the impressive 8,900 MW installed in North America in 2008, a golden opportunity exists for smaller wind development.
Small wind projects range in size from 100 kW to 30 MW and typically serve schools, farms, rural villages, businesses and municipal utility companies. Because these type of installations can access funding from various sources, they are less vulnerable to the credit crisis than their large-scale wind farm counterparts.
With the economic crisis taking its toll on wind energy development in 2009, large turbine manufacturers are paying more attention to the mid-scale market, giving smaller projects greater accessibility to utility-grade turbines.
Incentives for Small Wind Project Development
U.S. government support for wind energy through net-metering laws and an extension of the renewable energy production and investment tax credits offers stability to the industry, while stimulus funding provides a boost. In addition to the $1.6 billion in CREBs that is available to state and local governments, municipal utility companies and rural electric cooperatives, some state or local governments also offer grant or rebate programs.
Such incentives make wind projects more attractive, as do lower commodity and labor costs. “We’re already seeing manufacturers come back and say, ‘The steel prices have come down so much that the tower is now $100,000 cheaper,’” says -- Wes Slaymaker, of WES Engineering. “Since the economic collapse in late 2008, steel prices have come down at least 50 percent. The cost of labor has also come down because there are a lot of contractors looking for work.”
While these factors also benefit large wind projects, the financing difficulties that are plaguing the industry now have made it harder for large wind developers to take advantage of them so smaller developers, with greater access to capital, can step right in.
This special window of opportunity for smaller projects will not last forever. Although some encouraging factors will remain, the large-scale wind industry is likely to pick up as soon as liquidity returns to the market.
Although 2009 may be a year to survive for some players in the wind industry, it presents a golden opportunity for the mid-scale market. Time will tell if this opening will result in a boom in this segment of the industry. “If this opportunity for smaller projects is successful, we will start seeing the turbines ordered this year for projects to be installed later in the year or in 2010,” says Slaymaker. “It sounds like there are a number of small to mid-size projects working towards turbine purchase right now.”
Tips on How to Make Your Bathroom Looks Bigger
Cream colors and icy blues are just a few of the best color combination that can open up a tiny room into a bigger living area. It is all about illusion. Light colors make your room look bigger and brighter.
Bathroom furniture is another important factor to make your bathroom spacious or not, here are several consideration you should know about bathroom furniture
- Use multi-function furniture like a small cabinet or hanging wall storage that can be used as a cabinet and beautiful decoration. Stick to clean lines in the furniture. Use an extendable table, folding tables and nest of tables, which can be tucked away when you don’t need them.
- Place the large pieces of furniture against the walls so the open space in the middle isn’t broken up.
- Scale the furniture to fit the size of the bathroom and don’t block walking pathways. With furniture and accessories blocking the view into a room and out to open spaces, a room will look cramped.
Lighting is a key element in opening up a space. Let the light into the room too. By letting the natural light flow into the room, you will be surprised at how this will open up the room and make it look larger. If you do not have a lot of natural light, you can add some lighting features to the room to make it look bigger. You will be amazed at how this small addition can make a big difference. If you have access to natural light, make full use of it. Bring it into your home through windows. Full height glass panes work best. Having a large picture window can make a room seem bigger because a barrier between visitor and outside view has been removed. See another tips on decorate a small bedroom.