Douwe Jacobs + Tom Schouten

Flux was created by two young designers, Douwe Jacobs and Tom Schouten of Holland. The concept for foldable, flat and design-friendly furniture evolved during their 2008 graduation project for the Industrial Design Engineering Masters at the Technical University of Delft.
Upon graduation, Jacobs and Schouten decided to start their own company for smart, flexible furniture that appeals to designers and consumers alike. They named their company Flux in a nod to the idea of transformation, change, and flow. With a small start-up loan from the university, Jacobs and Schouten created the prototype of their first design, the Flux chair.
After winning every design fair and contest they entered, and receiving the highly acclaimed New Venture Award and the Philips Innovation Award, Jacobs and Schouten used their prize money to further develop the Flux Chair. Over one hundred full scale prototypes later, the young designers paired with a team of entrepreneurs in 2010 to take the Flux concept international, increase production, marketing, and distribution.