Registration: Online
Pick up your pass: Starting at 8:00 AM Saturday, March 13th at Mt. Sunapee
BBQ lunch (FREE): 12:30 at the NH Ski Up Tent
Raffles / Apres Ski: Starting at 3:00 PM
Register online for discounted tickets ($39 each!), then just show up at the mountain, find the Ski-Up Tailgate Tent by the chairlifts to pick up your pass and fun bag of swag!
The first 30 registrants online receive a free T-Shirt! Register early at http://nhskiup1.eventbrite.com/. Already have a season pass at Sunapee? Your registration for the event is FREE!
The “beach” at Mt. Sunapee is your place for fun! Check it out!!

Don’t have ski or snowboard equipment? No problem, just bring a printout of your registration or mention “Ski-Up” to Outspokin’ located at the intersection of Rte 103A and Rte 103 and get discounted rentals ($20 for boots, poles, skis or snowboard)!
Need a place to stay? Lodging discounts provided by the Rosewood Inn and 1806 Inn. See registration page for details.
Sponsors: Colby Real Estate, Outspokin’ Bicycle & Sport, Sugar River Bank, Northcape Design Build, E-Forecasting, Bonin Architects, D'Orazio Electrical, Pizza Chef, Ellie’s Café & Deli, Lumber Barn, Anne Marie Appel / Massage Therapist, and Stimulus:Grafikus.
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